HistoryThe first production of Cinderella, a fairy tale in dance, premiered October, 2005 at McMorran Auditorium led by Donna Galbraith and the International Performing Arts Company. The ballet returned in 2006 and 2007. In 2013, a new rendition of Cinderella was choreographed by Pauline Schultz. Cinderella is a community effort that brings together students from various dance studios for the opportunity to perform in a full-length production of such a timeless, magical story line.
LocationThe Dance Company Conservatory has been an avid Cinderella supporter over the years and we are proud to continue its legacy in 2019. As a dance studio that has served the Port Huron area for over 35 years, The Dance Company Conservatory is committed to providing excellent dance education in a positive learning environment. The studio is owned by Laurie Langolf and Jessica McPhail.
Artistic DirectorArtistic director and choreographer, Brandon Harneck, graduated from Grand Valley State University in 2012 with a BA in Dance. He has performed professionally with Thodos Dance Chicago, as well as ArtLabJ in Detroit. Brandon is currently a full-time dance instructor at The Dance Company Conservatory.